Last year's net income of $85 million represented a healthy 20 percent return on shareholder equity in a very competitive industry.
That income represented a dramatic increase from his 1986 and 1987 incomes of about $9.2 million and $9.5 million respectively.
In a sector where the income from sales of tickets represented less than a quarter of total expenditure, there was little else one could expect.
Net income of $68.6 million in 1990 represented a 55 percent increase over the previous year, though long-term debt was also increasing by 180 percent.
The quarterly income represented the company's highest earnings in four years.
The income from the Ferme générale represented more than half of the public revenue.
The country's income from oil exports represents about 60 percent of its export earnings.
Peacekeepers income represents an important source of income for Fiji.
Moreover, median income represents only one measurement of success.
This income represented a 30.8 percent increase compared to the same period in the previous year.