Overall sales rose 13 percent, to $1.8 billion, and income nearly quadrupled to $311 million.
Per capita tribal income has quadrupled since 1982.
"We have a good life now - we can travel and enjoy ourselves - my income has quadrupled in just a few years."
The Muppets was a box office success, accumulating an income gross nearly quadruple its $45 million budget.
Since the 1970s, gross national income per person more than quadrupled from $550 to $2,770.
Net income more than quadrupled to $4 million, from $883,000.
During the century, the income of the typical New York household, adjusted for inflation, more than quadrupled, while annual expenditures did not quite triple.
Net income at the bank quadrupled to $5.07 billion, or 97 cents a share, from $1.14 billion, or 22 cents a share, a year earlier.
Median income has risen only 17 percent since 1980, while the income of the richest 0.1 percent of the population has quadrupled.
Apple Computer, which reported that first-quarter net income had quadrupled, rose 1/4, to 45 7/8.