They have got families who are at the high end or exceeding their income eligibility.
She used her role on the Aging Committee to author legislation for increasing income eligibility for prescription drug coverage for seniors.
Families making between $32,000 and $70,950 are eligible, with income eligibility dependent on sales price.
Applications for the co-op apartments must first be submitted to the municipality, and income eligibility is reviewed.
New Jersey, too, has lowered the income eligibility for subsidized child care, though less so.
The deal also raises the annual income eligibility for the program to $80,000 from $50,500, enabling 30,000 more students to qualify for the program.
Allows more universal meal access for eligible students in high poverty communities by eliminating paper applications and using census data to determine school-wide income eligibility.
Artspace screens applicants for artistic commitment and income eligibility, which varies by unit.
Reduced-price income eligibility for a family of four is $40,793 from July 1, 2009 - June 30, 2010.
Under Governor Whitman's welfare proposal, New Jersey would lower income eligibility slightly.