Because of population growth, average incomes declined even more, by 5.7 percent.
"It has been directly hit by the economy, so our income is declining."
As a result, net income declined 65 percent, to $374.3 million, or 46 cents a share.
Under Bush, the wages and incomes of average families actually declined.
Or that per capita income is declining at 2 percent a year?
Average real incomes declined $1,641, or 3 percent, to $53,974.
Since 2000, median income has declined in all three states.
Or incomes may decline, even when there is no migration.
Net income for the company declined in both 2004 and 2o05, ending last year at $274.3 million.
Per capita income declined by 1.8 in 2002 to $22,794, the first decline since 1991.