But then there are also income ceilings for the program.
For a family of four, the income ceiling would be $35,433 a year.
The annual income ceiling for a family was $74,018.
The income ceiling is $22,000, and monthly rents will range from $400 to $480.
Since 1987, the income ceiling has gone from $12,025 to its current $15,000.
There would be no income ceiling for the child-care credit, officials said.
Before June 1992 the program had an income ceiling of $15,000.
Previously, people who were 65 to 69 faced income ceilings if they wanted to receive full benefits.
"They only stay as technicians four or five years because of the income ceiling."
That means the income ceiling will be $24,000 for a family of three, down from $28,000.