The homily takes an inclusive view of penitence as combining self-mortification with compassion for others:
Last night Dole prevailed on the platform chairman, Henry Hyde, to include inclusive views.
His call for a more inclusive view of this critical region is important, but his nomenclature is also a little faulty.
Some paintings make you want to step back to get a more inclusive view; they don't really come into focus except at a certain distance.
Here, the more inclusive view of the Terebellida is followed, based on a major review of polychaete systematics.
Rather than convey a lack of interest in shareholders' concerns, some companies have adopted a more inclusive view.
Is an inclusive view of society, man and mind.
Ecological forestry takes a broader, more inclusive view of a forest community and gives other occupants consideration in addition to the desired forest output (trees).
To my thinking this inclusive view is an extraordinary achievement unto itself.
Madam President, ladies and gentlemen, let us take an inclusive political view of this matter, rather than a divisive legal one.