Behind all the arms control details is the basic military question of whether the inclusion of new NATO members will change the balance of military power in Europe.
The inclusion of criminal sanctions, significant increases in fines coupled with possible imprisonment of corporate officers changed the face of environmental law enforcement.
Likewise, Liszt's inclusion of a choral finale in his Dante Symphony changed both the structural and programmatic intent of the work.
If a large amount of bias is present, and the covariates explain a significant amount of this, then their inclusion or exclusion would significantly change the parameter estimate.
Last month the two sides reached a compromise under which West Berlin is included in the agreement, but a footnote states that the inclusion does not change the 1971 accord.
The inclusion of a new sector -and consequently the whole structure of relative prices- have not even slightly changed the way income is distributed among landowners, workers and capitalists.
But some coaches insist that the inclusion of boys changes the game less than many people think.
You have described the essence of the work you do as 'listening to women's voices and hearing how their inclusion changes the resonances around us.'
With women's customary role as a nurturer and mother, the increased equality and inclusion of women in the military could change the reason for war or raison d'être of wars.
The inclusion of girls in the once exclusive for boys school has not drastically changed the school's mission statement.