Each year 270,000 immigrant visas are granted in seven classifications, including victims of political torture and people with skills needed in this country.
Example: "...courts have discretion to hear at sentencing from any person who might provide useful information, including victims of financial crimes.
The announcement came after wrenching accounts from more witnesses, including victims and family members, some flown from Kenya.
During the five-day hearing, 87 witnesses were called including victims and family members of Nichols.
He said the day's American air raids had killed 68 civilians, including victims at a market in the northwest suburbs.
Mission: Restore doctors travel around the world to work on difficult cases including acid burns, car bomb injuries, and other victims of war and trauma.
Including victims from other coastal towns, a total of 189 men lost their lives.
The court examined 327 witnesses, including eyewitnesses, victims, doctors, police personnel, government officials, and forensic experts.
News media outlets frequently withhold names in specific instances, including victims of sexual violence and juvenile criminal offenders.