And including second-language users as well as those less fluent there are at least a billion speakers worldwide.
When accessible features are built into web pages, websites are more convenient and more available to everyone including users with disabilities.
The staff is also responsible for investigating 9,000 other licensees, including research reactors and users of radioactive material.
It also incorporates features to meet the needs of disabled passengers, including elderly and wheelchair users.
The comparison uses information from a variety of sources, including partners, users, and hoteliers.
In this exercise the entire team, including users, breaks up into groups of four to six (this works best with cross-functional participation).
We want as many people in the world as possible to have access to our services, including users in mainland China.
The compromise text constitutes an appropriate balance among all interests involved, including rights-holders, commercial users, consumers and intermediaries.
The program works with a wide range of stakeholders including States and other Federal agencies, professional organizations, academic institutions, users, manufacturers, and consumer groups.
Others, including several users claiming to be lawyers, suggested that he take the company, which has not been named, to an employment tribunal.