A choice from nine hot plates can be had for $6.95, including turkey with all the trimmings.
We too are not always in the most credible position, including vis-à-vis Turkey.
"Unfortunately, in certain countries, including Turkey, virginity is considered an important sign of honor."
May 2012 releases added 31 countries, including Brazil and Turkey.
A politically integrated Europe including Turkey as a member is not possible.
Many species of animals can be seen, including wild turkey, deer, coyotes and hawks.
Some, including Turkey, want Romania included in the first wave of expansion.
He served as a consultant to several foreign governments, including Turkey and Thailand.
But most readers would have trouble following her program, which included raising much of what the family ate on their farm, including chickens and turkeys.
Other animals, including the duck, deer, dogs, and turkey, were domesticated.