It cost only £300 for a month, including tuition and accommodation, so the challenge was too good to refuse.
Seven nights in an en-suite room costs from £2,226 per person, including all meals, activities and tuition.
That pushed the average cost of four years at a private college, including tuition, fees and room and board, to $42,000.
The cost of a year at Columbia - including tuition, books, supplies, room and board - is almost $16,000, he said.
The Sorbonne program costs $4,700, including meals, housing and tuition.
The cost is $2,220 including tuition, hotel and daily breakfast.
The cost of a year at Yale, including tuition, room and board, is $20,820 for undergraduates.
The three-week course will cost $1,722, including tuition and accommodations, usually with local families.
The college's comprehensive fee, including tuition, room and board, is currently $21,290 for an academic year.
A year at Sterling now costs $9,400, including room, board and tuition.