There were complications during this time including various treatments of the day.
It is used as part of a total treatment plan, including psychological, educational, and social treatments.
The card is necessary for most services including banking, schooling, and medical treatment.
He published more than 45 books, including popular treatments of dreams and symbols.
They had widespread use, including treatment of soldiers in the Red Army.
Rule-based systems can aid physicians in many different areas, including diagnosis and treatment.
Learn all about rheumatoid arthritis, including the causes, symptoms, and treatment.
It could have ensured that all those hurt by the storm received whatever social services they needed, including mental health counseling and treatment.
These studies, in turn, provide the basic information on this disorder including the symptoms, behaviors, and possible treatments that doctors are using today.
Do not use medicines, including antibiotics and other treatments, unless your doctor recommends them.