Most states elect several administrative officials, including lieutenant governor, secretary of state, attorney general, treasurer, auditor, and superintendent of public instruction.
He has served in several other capacities, including national treasurer of Venstres Ungdom in the early 1990s.
Most Subud groups have a committee, typically including a chairperson, vice-chair, treasurer and secretary.
At that time each meeting was attended by around 25 members, including the five joint presidents, secretary, treasurer, "museum curator" and five members of the council.
The county has several other elected offices, including sheriff, coroner, auditor, treasurer, recorder, and circuit court clerk.
Thomas also set up a number of officials within the cathedral chapter, including a dean, treasurer, and precentor.
A national board member of Hadassah since 1934, Mrs. Gottesman held many positions in the organization, including vice president and treasurer.
Most VSAs are structured to be run by a board of elected officers including, at minimum: president, vice-president, secretary and treasurer.
In Newport he held a variety of positions from 1639 to 1649, including treasurer, constable, and assistant.
The theatre is run by a board of directors elected from the membership including chairman, secretary and treasurer.