The $22 billion is nearly triple the $8.3 billion spent last year by all sources, including governments and the private sector.
These potential solutions come from a range of sources - including the natural and social sciences, the corporate sector and the military.
The CO tax applies to all energy users, including the industrial sector.
Including the social sector, 17,000 people are employed by the municipality.
(Including the private sector, the country's foreign debt is about $33 billion.)
"It will require input from everyone, including the private sector."
Therefore serious efforts will be needed in this respect, including the private sector, so that to achieve this target.
Something similar might be said of other sectors including postal services or telecommunications, not to mention the financial sector.
The directive applies to late payment between all enterprises including the public sector.
The experts come from various areas including law enforcement, federal, state and local laboratories, the private sector, and academia.