He is planning a $1.5 billion building program, including the construction of 11 high schools.
The project, to be completed next May, will cost about $40 million, including land and construction.
Over the years, the complex has grown to 204,000 square feet, including the current construction.
From 1984 to 1987, the school went through modernization, including the construction of a new Gym.
The federal government offers jobs in nearly every field, including science, construction, administrative, and medicine.
Capital costs, including construction and equipment, are estimated at slightly less than $4 million.
The total cost, including land, construction, and furniture, was approximately $750,000.
It too has experienced expansion in recent years, including the construction of a new sports hall.
Total cost was approximately 133 million dollars, including the construction of a water treatment plant that is still in operation.
The entire project, including fundraising and construction, is completed by the students.