The company helped launch the careers of many notable artist, including Michael Jackson.
His five brothers and five sons, including Michael Jackson, Jr., also all served in the war.
Nobody morally powerful enough to try to combat it, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson, who lives here, has attempted to do so.
He was chosen as the group's executive director in April 1993, over a number of other candidates, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Some famous faces, including Michael Jackson and Madonna, clock in much lower, at 17 and 12, respectively.
While at the agency, he worked on new artist signings including John Mellencamp and Michael Jackson.
Yet on Tuesday, several civil rights leaders - including the Rev. Jesse Jackson - called for a national boycott of the oil giant.
Today, the neighborhood is home to some of the most prominent black Chicagoans, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
The tape was played on national television, setting off protests at Texaco by civil rights leaders, including the Rev. Jesse Jackson.
Ross has influenced many artists including Michael Jackson and Beyoncé Knowles.