He also announced round table talks with Africans, including the Council of Chiefs.
"And we've heard from other groups who have similar concerns, including the Council of Better Business Bureaus," he said.
The fate of civilians has been a primary concern for Western governments and organizations, including the Council of Europe.
Online, via a live stream, you can view shows including The Council, Access Mayor, and more.
He also served on numerous boards, committees and associations, including the Council on Foreign Relations.
What did the European leaders, including the Council and the Commission, do after each of these popular 'no' votes?
This compromise was reached after consultation with other bodies, including the Council.
This is particularly true in the case of the European Union institutions, including the Council, whose documents are more difficult to access.
All of us, including the Council.
Everyone, including the Council, recognizes that the Member States' health data are often incomplete, indeed frequently non-existent, and not comparable.