All suspects - including company officials, technicians and government inspectors - were cleared of criminal negligence.
Today, the hospital employs 6,000 professionals including doctors, nurses, technicians, paramedics and administrators.
It now houses about 60 people, including researchers, technicians and staff, military and civilians.
Whirlwind construction started in 1948, an effort that employed 175 people including 70 engineers and technicians.
The employers' alternative would be to watch the departure of many essential workers, including technicians, managers and professionals.
There is also a school board which employs about 25 people that's including teachers, janitors, secretaries and technicians.
It has a staff of 169, including researchers, engineers, and technicians.
These days, the Cranes are a circus collective of 25 - including wives, children and technicians.
The federation represents 53,000 of the state's highest-paid workers, including doctors, nurses and technicians in state hospitals.
There were over three hundred people in Earth House, not including the officers and technicians.