The estimated amount spent in the community, including payroll, construction projects, supplies, services, health care, and education, is $482 million.
The Nizam is known to have carried huge armies with him, including supplies to last for the duration of the campaign.
Initially, the couple had anticipated they would spend about $100,000 on the renovation, including supplies.
The cost of a year at Columbia - including tuition, books, supplies, room and board - is almost $16,000, he said.
The report is expected to recommend sweeping changes in several troubled departments, including personnel, supplies and curriculum.
Her monthly expenses, including rent, utilities, advertising and supplies, total about $10,000.
The course fee, including books and supplies, is $41.
The Canadian government provided C$75,000 worth of aid, including food, blankets, and medical supplies.
This is a great opportunity to save money on back-to-school items including clothes, shoes, and supplies.
Don't bother to pack at all; you'll be taking standard Silver kits including medical supplies, and you aren't going to have time to change clothing.