Colt wasn't released to play because his symptoms, including strength, did not improve.
She transformed into a monster once again, but this time with more vampiric characteristics, including enhanced strength.
Physical abilities also decline, including muscular strength, flexibility and endurance.
Supposedly it possesses some astounding physical properties including great strength with extremely low mass.
There were 907 tornadoes recorded, including 15 of F4 or greater strength, the most this powerful since 1976.
Users can sort by numerous categories, including distance, store type and strength of restaurant rating.
The experience of being so isolated gave her many things, including "strength and courage", which made her fearless.
Nottingham has been shown to possess a number of mystical powers, including enhanced speed and strength.
There are several reasons to use composite materials including increased strength, aesthetics, and environmental sustainability.
The monster has superhuman abilities including speed and strength.