This direction involves a number of specific recommendations, including military steps.
But the choreography for all of them blended modern dance with jazz dance and ballet, including steps on point.
The advice covers areas including child maintenance, tax credits and steps to take when a relationship ends.
The Soviet Union broke diplomatic relations with Israel in 1967 but has recently stepped up contacts, including steps to exchange consular officials.
In this practice, tools and processes are used to assist a knowledge worker in performing research and making decisions, including steps such as:
Please describe your problem in detail, including steps that you have already taken.
If such information proves such involvement, he added, the administration should, after careful consideration, take action, including military steps against Baghdad.
Be aware that the next section of path, including the bridge and steps, can be slippery, especially after rainfall.
Understand the benefits and risks of exporting, including practical steps to take and sources of advice for British exporters.
The report concludes with protocol for annual reports, including report of risk management and additional steps to ensure good governance.