Documents belonging to 842 artists are classified in this section, including slides of the work of eighteen artists.
A children's play area, including swings, slides and a water play area.
Newly opened, this public resort has a variety of water games, including a wave machine and slides, in pleasantly landscaped surroundings.
Additional summer attractions were offered toward the end of the area's life, including slides and bumper boats.
In addition, kids can take advantage of a number of games, including speed pitch, slides and more.
These guidelines also apply to presentation materials including slides, overheads, exhibits, and poster sessions.
There are several types of ornaments, including trills and slides.
He is in possession of many interesting historical documents including photos, archives and slides.
Students may create documentaries using a variety of materials including slides, video, audio and computers.
The term has come to mean a wide range of special and unusual dance moves, including dips, slides, and tricks.