Genetic relatedness may be an important moderator of conflict and homicide among family members, including siblings.
The remaining places are allocated to students according to a list of entry criteria, including religion and siblings already attending the school.
There are several other members of the Royal Family, including the King's daughter, grandchildren and siblings.
Females in this species will mate with any male close to them, including siblings.
Younger speakers had to show respect to older people, including siblings, even if their ages differed by only a few minutes.
Do not allow anyone other than parents (no other adults or children, including siblings) to sleep with the baby.
Several relatives, including siblings, in-laws and cousins, have county government jobs.
We may have extended families, including the parents or siblings of the mother and father, but we all live separately as the smaller family unit.
In other relations, including siblings, ties of love and affection must be proved.
If possible, keep your baby away from anyone, including older siblings, with cold symptoms.