During this time, they fired 1341 rounds of 90mm ammunition, including 721 rounds with the new proximity fuze.
The DK-20 turret weighs 593kg including the R-23 cannon and 500 rounds of ammunition.
It was banned in Sweden until 2007 when the ban was lifted but strict restrictions, including four three-minute rounds for fights, were imposed.
We had many rounds of tests and six cycles of treatments, including two rounds of in vitro fertilization.
Weapons including assault rifles, hand grenades and over 800 rounds of ammunition belonging to a gang were seized from a condominium unit in Cheras.
Still, the price is right: six of us ate up a storm for $100, including two rounds of beer.
Other factors could complicate the formula, including four rounds of playoffs with a maximum of seven games each round.
The contract is worth $79.7 million for 5,150 rifles including suppressors, and 4,696,800 rounds of ammunition over the next ten years.
The LNAH Draft is held during the summer, including 15 rounds.
Each episode lasted for 25 minutes, including four rounds.