The series of concerts had him perform to millions of people throughout the world, including British royalty.
A wax museum of famous people, including politics and royalty, sports, television, film, theatre and music.
Imber has operated on notable figures, including royalty, politicians, models, and international business figures.
Since then, Greece has released over twenty definitive issues with subjects including its culture, landscapes, mythology and royalty.
But, everyone who was anyone followed him there - many as house guests - including politicians, painters, authors, scientists and royalty.
"Throughout the 1840s and 1850s Malvern attracted a stream of celebrated visitors, including royalty."
He enjoyed the company of influential and wealthy people, including royalty.
During the 16th and 17th centuries amassing silver was usual for wealthy English families, including royalty, the rich and the famous.
Lauder's music appealed to all, including workers, merchants, royalty and presidents.
It quickly established a reputation for luxury, with clients including royalty, politicians, writers, film stars and singers.