Now we're looking into all sorts of options, including early retirement and furloughing of staff.
Senior housing options, including retirement, assisted living and income-based apartments, are available.
In addition, they allow purchasers to use the proceeds as they please, including retirement, without losing the tax-exemption.
If they didn't know of the alleged conditions, they are guilty of professional incompetence and subject to appropriate administrative action, including early retirement.
It has also made 22 other demands, including retirement at full pension after 25 years of service.
The Support Services Bureau is responsible for personnel administration including recruiting, retention, training, retirement, and benefits.
A profile of priest compensation including retirement, tax issues and trends.
The two sides have been negotiating for 19 months and remain divided on several critical issues, including pay, retirement and job security.
To the extent that their net worth is increasing, they are better prepared for the future, including retirement.
Williams, 32, is battling a number of ailments and is weighing several options, including retirement.