The union maintains very strict rules about working in such productions, including restrictions on price, the length of the run and rehearsal times.
Other measures including further restrictions on access to cigarettes and on the promotion of tobacco products need to be considered.
This comprised a number of restrictive measures including restrictions on oil and gas exports.
The city council has implemented strict heritage regulations in the downtown area, including restrictions on the height of buildings.
A site plan is used to verify that a proposal complies with local development codes, including restrictions on historical sites.
"They will not be just for boys," he said, alluding to the Taliban's repression of women, including restrictions on education of girls.
But the tax cuts would also be financed partly by reductions in some programs, including restrictions on health-care services for the poor.
Speed varied due to many different factors including resource availability, aircraft location, and regulatory restrictions.
He stripped his workers of civil liberties including restrictions on alcohol consumption.
But she said that other measures were needed, including restrictions on sidewalk vending.