Foreigners in Germany, including refugees, should be given easy access to voting rights and citizenship.
Many men, including refugees on a train in the station, lost their lives.
In the meantime, all Bosnians who want to vote, including refugees away from their homes, will have to be registered.
But now there is a growing American antagonism toward immigrants, including refugees: hordes of them will take our jobs.
Last year, there were 804,416 legal immigrants, including refugees and asylum seekers.
"It is the government's job to protect people and property, including refugees."
He denied that the Government was forcing young men, including returning refugees, into the army.
A more realistic figure would place the population of the town on the eve of the siege, including refugees and fighting men, at 7,000 people.
Works with under represented groups including girls/women, youth, ethnic minorities, refugees and disabled participants.
The political party had to deal with increasing troubles, including economic bankruptcy, high unemployment rates and numerous refugees from the rest of Croatia.