There is no treaty in force between the United States and any country on enforcement of judgments, including recognition of foreign divorces.
The standards cover a broad range of matters, including recognition of the rights of workers to form trade unions and bargain collectively.
Consistently, females perform better than males on episodic memory tasks including delayed recall and recognition.
Winners receive a range of benefits including worldwide recognition and extensive press coverage.
Boxers are easy to train to do tricks, especially for rewards including attention, love and recognition.
Nuance's software offers advantages over its competitors, including better recognition over background noise like traffic, he said.
There will also be greater cross-border judicial cooperation, including mutual recognition of court decisions in all EU countries.
Armed uprising or intervention with the goal to seize the power: up to death with confiscation, including formal recognition as "enemy of workers".
Hiero is a minor work which includes discussion of leaders stimulating private production and technology through various means including public recognition and prizes.
Success requires sensitivity to cultural variation, including recognition of the consultant's own cultural bias and/or ethnocentrism.