Fast also offered a number of search-derivative applications, focused on specific search use cases, including publishing, market intelligence and mobile search.
It operates by methods including publishing, lobbying, activism and participating in political debates.
Eric is well versed in all aspects of the music business including publishing and publicity.
The organisation has been instrumental in attracting external funding for a range of projects including publishing.
A handful of them - 6,300, to be exact - were in Internet companies, including publishing and broadcasting.
He had various occupations including school teaching, shipping and publishing.
Until 2003, it operated 24 businesses, including publishing, hotels, and handicrafts distribution companies.
The economic devastation rippled through other parts of the Texas economy, including real estate, banking and publishing.
The magazine often featured parodies of ongoing American culture, including advertising campaigns, the nuclear family, the media, big business, education and publishing.
These are mostly perceived as sensitive areas such as cultural industries including publishing, television, and newspapers, all of which have stringent foreign ownership rules.