VicLabour's members participate in a wide range of activities including protests, being very active on policy development, campaigning and community work.
There were riots and demonstrations across the Gaza Strip today, including protests in six of the eight refugee areas, and five people were shot.
This affected many forms of protest including hunt sabotage and anti-road protests.
The missile shield has received much local opposition in the area, including several protests.
The Skytrain has had its own troubles, including protests from those in wheelchairs about the lack of elevators, a matter unresolved.
The Congress has replaced armed struggle with a new campaign of mass action, including marches, boycotts, strikes and other protests.
His remarks provoked an uproar, including protests from French Muslim leaders.
His theories about the superiority of intelligence of white races has led to recent controversy, including protests by students at the University of Hawaii.
Further protests occurred in Anaheim, including protests at the police station and in the neighborhood where the shooting occurred.
Many community events including protests and festivals are held at the location.