Women who said they were fatigued, for example, reported taking in more energy over all, including more carbohydrates, fats, proteins and zinc.
Antigenic variation can occur by altering a variety of surface molecules including proteins and carbohydrates.
These may be found on a range of substrates, including steroids, carbohydrates and proteins.
(5) Proteins were assumed to be responsible for the synthesis of all biological molecules, including other proteins.
This biospecific feature is typical for all biosurfaces, including proteins, macromolecules and biological cells.
The differentially expressed genes were classified into various classes including transcription factors and architectural proteins (Table 1and 2).
Good nutrition - including high-quality proteins and fats - is important to proper brain function.
Organic oils may also contain chemicals other than lipids, including proteins, waxes and alkaloids.
It can be used for almost any kind of charged molecule including large proteins, small nucleotides and amino acids.
This theory does not work well for nano-colloids, including proteins and polymers at low ionic strength.