It was originally billed as a "multimedia theatrical event," including digital projections, but at the last minute the creators decided to cut the special effects.
The tentative budget proposals put forward earlier this year were based on questionable assumptions, including overly optimistic projections for state and Federal aid.
In 2009, over 300 sensitive company documents, including financial projections and office security codes, were stolen from a Twitter employee's Google Docs account.
But it also left a legacy of many fiscal safeguards, including projections to warn of possible deficits and prompt early action to prevent them.
Bainbridge's canvases are often large-scale displays - including LEDs, giant projections, and domes.
Her installations, interventions and performances use digital, biological and traditional media including bacteria, digital projections and embroidery, working with diverse audiences.
CBO provides up-to-date data on its Web site, including current budget and economic projections and information on the status of discretionary appropriations.
Let them do it only after they have come up with a workable plan, including real cost estimates and projections.
On Jan. 27, she is scheduled to announce her state's 1996 budget, including fiscal projections that could be affected by a downturn in employment.
In 2004,ABC showcased their upcoming Wife Swap show including projections of its popularity.