He said he did not know whether they would examine racism in all aspects of the business, including hiring practices, for example.
Effective social institutions, including cultural rituals and economic practices, allow individuals to cooperate for mutual benefit.
Here is where we find our closest genetic relatives that exhibit familiar behaviors, including cultural practices, tool use and language acquisition.
However, a wide variety of religions are found throughout the region, including many Hindu and animist-influenced practices.
At the same time, many young Indians began to turn to their elders to learn tribal ways, including traditional dress and spiritual practices.
Siltation pollution is produced from a variety of sources including but not limited to construction, logging, and agricultural practices.
We must re-examine the base, including our current human capital policies and practices.
The Potlatch house is more than a building, as it serves important ceremonial purposes including governance, economy, social status, and other spiritual practices.
Climate change could affect agriculture in several ways including productivity, agricultural practices, environmental effects, and distribution of rural space.