Including 4 points after, the score would have been 58-0 under modern rules.
Other information associated with the road network is also included, including points of interest, building shapes, and political boundaries.
This provides accurate results for all inputs including points close to the center of the earth.
This figure shows the total financing charges for a loan including interest, fees and points.
Version 2 contains about 22,587 entries including 923 Area, 4191 road/segment/street and 17,473 points.
He scored 27, including 9 points in an 11-6 run that closed the margin to 62-51 with 7 minutes 59 seconds remaining.
The two are identical, including several distinct points of damage.
Scoring was modified in 1977 to a more complex system including points both for overall and group placement.
Sweet set a number of records in the game, including six field goals and 23 total points, records which still stand.
A wide variety of appraisal techniques has been used including points scoring methods.