Several species, including plants and humans, are badly affected by light pollution.
The research also reveals, however, that 423 rare species, including plants, insects and fish, have not been recorded in the last 23 years.
The biosphere includes everything living on Earth, including humans, animals, plants, and insects.
Through their education they acquired extensive knowledge of the natural world, including Australian plants, animals and insects.
Unfortunately, there are many toxic substances in the natural world, including plants and flowers.
That figured; he could trans- late anything spoken by any living thing, including plants.
Jaws allow fish to eat a wide variety of food, including plants and other organisms.
The players can pick up anything in the forest including trees, flowers, other plants, animals, water, logs, and rocks.
Including plants, animals and micro-organisms, there are millions of proteins.
Such benefits accrue to all living organisms, including animals and plants, rather than to humans alone.