They had two top ten finishes, including 4th place in the women's 470.
They even traded with many other countries, including places in Europe.
Altogether they add up to about 120 words, including place and personal names.
Indeed, it is a part of the teaching strategy at many school districts, including 17 in California and other places around the country.
I have run in more than 30 cities, including places that had never seen a runner before.
"There are other blocks of space available in Manhattan, including places that people have not been looking at before."
Each one's history, including place and date of origin, was recorded.
An information pack including recommended restaurants and places of interest to you.
His second season saw several notable results, including 2nd place at Imola.
But a number of those buildings, including places that he knew for a fact had housed senate offices, were gone.