These goals overall comprise all aspects of women's lives including economic, health, and political participation.
Select respondents also report benefit data including provisions, participation, and costs.
This relationship is strengthened by the close cultural ties of the two nation, including mutual participation in la Francophonie.
This was followed by a panel discussion, including participation from a studio audience.
The study said that even little steps by schools to encourage connectedness, including encouraging participation in activities, could pay off.
Despite not empowering farmers, the change to fair trade cotton has positive effects including female participation in cultivation.
There has also been successful development of student and teacher mobility over the past few years, including international participation.
Admission is $3, $2 for children, including participation in a children's train-building project.
Anyone granted emergency shelter would have to help design a program for independent living, including participation in drug treatment, family counseling and job training programs.
Such a plan would bring the benefits of a national network, including national standards, plus regional participation and ownership, he said.