But other hints suggest unwavering intransigence by the Serbian leader, including his refusal in the last two weeks to meet with Western ambassadors.
The Ritz-Carlton said it had acted because of breaches of contract, including their owners' representatives' refusal to pay more than $4 million in management fees and cost reimbursements.
Indeed, Mr. Kucinich defends his record, including his refusal to pay the debt by selling the municipal power plant that still provides cheap electricity.
Cherie Blair's hostility to the monarchy has been widely reported, including her refusal to curtsey.
Every contact between them had been one person removed, including her polite refusal of his offer to purchase her plane ticket.
Bradford said that the opposition was based on his conservative views, including his support of the Iraq war and his refusal to support Ward Churchill.
Anyway, I'll make the call, explain the situation exactly, including your refusal to have blood drawn for a clotting study, and then I'll be right back.
But several issues remained to be resolved, including North Korea's refusal to eliminate its existing missile forces, and how to establish a system for independent verification.
He filled her in, including his captain's refusal to give him access to the file.
Issue 3 is campaign 2000--including the upcoming Iowa straw poll and Bush's refusal to talk about cocaine-use rumors.