It also has historical furnishings and artifacts, including Washington's desk.
Its furnishing are consistent with law offices of the time period, including an attorney's desk and a portrait of George Washington.
Mr. Virtanen and his crew made 174 such chairs, 60 for children and various tables, including the director's desk.
The Promenade Cafe displays Bruce Mason memorabilia, including his original desk and typewriter.
He also refurbishes salvaged pieces for sale, including, top, a 1920s foreman's desk ($1,800) and half of a wooden gear mold ($2,800).
Jeff monitored his surroundings closely, including his desk, car, and even his home where he installed safety locks as a precaution.
The museum also contains many other exhibits, including Gabrielsson's and Larson's joint desk from the pioneering years.
In the first, 66-second clip, Dwight shows the documentary crew his new office apparel including his desk modeled after Uday Hussein's desk.
I want new locks on everything including my desk.
The two plaintiffs have testified that Mr. Maiello abused them several times a week for three years at numerous places, including his office, church pews and a parochial school principal's desk.