Looting and vandalism were widespread, hitting 31 neighborhoods, including most poor neighborhoods in the city.
The campus, covering an approximately two kilometer area, has a "large crime scene simulation area, including simulated residential neighborhoods, stores, and banks".
Through the decade, many improvements were made to Norristown, including growing neighborhoods, a fire station, and a water tower.
Dr. Beveridge, however, found the inequities in places with a variety of taxing systems, including black neighborhoods that are part of white jurisdictions.
That still allows significant no-strings tax breaks for much of the city, including neighborhoods desirable enough to attract new development, but it's a start.
The SimTable uses advanced computer simulations to model fires in any area, including local neighborhoods, utilizing actual slope, terrain, wind speed/direction, vegetation, and other factors.
The Community Reinvestment Act states that a financial institution has an obligation to meet the credit needs of its community, including low-income and moderate-income neighborhoods.
The Act encourages commercial banks and savings associations to meet the needs of borrowers in all segments of their communities, including low- and moderate-income neighborhoods.
The book describes Waterdeep in detail, including its history, neighborhoods, defenses, sewers, guilds, political factions, noble families, and important personalities.
Although Rio has known fatal rainstorms for years, last week's disaster flooded areas that had not been so adversely affected before, including well-off residential neighborhoods.