During his talk, he plans to address issues including family size, mortality, settlement patterns, housing, and men, women and children's work.
It has been said that this album focuses on many major issues in today's world, including mortality, drug use, suicide, loss, brutal breakups to name but a few.
Absence of a night time dip is associated with poorer health outcomes, including increased mortality in one recent study.
Key development indicators have steeply declined since 2009, including maternal and child mortality, education enrollment and completion, per capita income and employment rates.
Nosologists are usually expert in more than one classification, including morbidity, mortality and casemix.
However, extensive research has shown that moderate alcohol intake is associated with health benefits, including less cardiovascular disease, diabetes, hypertension, and lower all-cause mortality.
Social support has numerous ties to physical health, including mortality.
Accidents, including pesticide poisoning, among farmers and plantation workers contribute to increased health risks, including increased mortality.
There are a wide range of outcomes to study including mortality, morbidity, functional status, mental well-being, and other aspects of health-related quality of life.
It covers research on gerontology, including diet/nutrition, prevention, behaviors, health service utilization, longevity, and mortality.