State officials said 329 businesses are in the program, including retailers, small manufacturers and service companies.
The town contains businesses, including manufacturers, service providers, retail establishments and the State's largest continuing care retirement community.
That plan needs to address other ways of getting a better handle on the city's rubbish, including, for starters, encouraging manufacturers to minimize packaging.
It has over 160 members including manufacturers, distributors, test houses, certification bodies, safety professionals and service providers.
Such installations should not be done without first consulting knowledgeable sources, including manufacturers.
Every week, the firm surveys almost 100 companies, including retailers, auto dealers, manufacturers, home builders and banks.
The problem is that falling prices mean lower revenues for businesses of all sorts with huge debts, including manufacturers and real estate developers.
So do businesses, including chemical manufacturers that would be most affected by the treaty's ban on production, storage, sale or use of the weapons.
But Briggs offers fresh evidence that in fact the shift has affected everyone along the line, including distributors and manufacturers.
Furthermore, the business seeks to benefit all stakeholders including manufacturers, affected communities, and humanity at large.