Population of Sabowal is approximately 4000 including males, females and children.
Bairoi has a population of 50,000 including males and females.
There are four schools in town, including males and females (girls & boys) and cover different levels of education.
Males are seemingly indiscriminate and grasp anything roughly the right size, including other males.
The collared mangabey lives in large groups of 10 to 35 individuals including several males.
The field team found skeletons from a cross-section of the local population including males, females and children.
Nearly 1036 people, including males, females and children live in these units.
Empathy Bellies were designed as a tool teach people, including males, what it is like to be pregnant.
The apes, including adult males, would surround their human visitors and show curiosity towards them, but would not attack or become threatening.