The tax issue may also come before the Senate next week despite a heavy schedule there, including legislation on immigration and health insurance.
A18 Clemency for women who killed their abusive partners is getting a new look from several states, including possible legislation.
"We just need to work out the practical steps, including legislation," she said.
However, no external approach, including legislation or enforcement, will have a lasting impact.
"And if this is true, it's going to be met with united and strong opposition, including legislation."
National issues, including health care, government spending, cap-and-trade legislation and the role of government.
He believes all options should be on the table, including litigation, legislation and negotiation.
He also vetoed dozens of bills, including legislation that would increase workers' compensation benefits.
This idea of respecting international law, including humanitarian legislation on human rights and refugees, is essential.
The report included more than 100 specific recommendations for measures, including legislation, needed to attain those goals.