These automated analyzers are designed for various users including patients, doctors, private laboratories, clinics and university hospitals.
The new building has many facilities including improved laboratories and a gym.
The Centre uses its own facilities including three large clinics, laboratories, x-ray unit and a private practice facility.
The new center intends to make use of its particular resources, including good laboratories.
The vast majority of university facilities, including all lecture halls and laboratories, are in the East Campus.
A third division manages the provision of logistic, support operations including field stations, camps, and laboratories.
Behind them is the 75th Exploitation Task Force, a large unit with better skills and equipment, including mobile laboratories.
Thirteen other sites, including laboratories and a factory for submarine fuel, remain, even though the system produces hardly any new weapons.
He said his inspectors would want to watch any site that could be used to develop nuclear or chemical weapons, including pharmaceutical laboratories and breweries.
The experts come from various areas including law enforcement, federal, state and local laboratories, the private sector, and academia.