Many members say they really do not care much about his record on other issues, including the economy, education, jobs and health care.
Falling prices in a single industry may push resources, including jobs, out of that business into other sectors.
But more than 52,000 fans showed up anyway, avoiding conflicting events, including jobs.
A company executive said total employment, including jobs in warehousing, distribution and other support services, could reach 5,000.
It plans to cut $20 million in expenses this year, including jobs.
You may find an overview of all members at, including contact information, pipeline, contract services and jobs.
He worked at various jobs to put himself through college, including jobs as a newspaper reporter and fisherman.
This gradually created many opportunities including jobs, the birth of tourism, and other related industries.
It would take until 1977 for all work, including smaller jobs such as the placement of steel cover plates, to be completed.
Including jobs eliminated earlier this year, the company will cut more than 12,000 positions in 2004, pushing its work force below 50,000.