Though typically synonymous with a command line shell or text terminal, the term terminal covers all remote terminals, including graphical interfaces.
NEWP has a number of facilities to enable large-scale software projects, such as the operating system, including named interfaces (functions and data), groups of interfaces, modules, and super-modules.
The Access Grid is an ensemble of resources, including multimedia large-format displays, presentation and interactive environments, and interfaces with grid computing middleware and visualization environments.
It was originally developed by Alesis but has since become widely accepted, with many third party hardware manufacturers including Lightpipe interfaces on their equipment.
Modifying the network configuration, including interfaces, interface or IP addresses, and the routing table, is prohibited.
Supporting the development and improvement of communication technologies, including applications, interfaces, and documentation.
Porting the complete solution to new hardware, new operating system, and new programming language (including libraries and interfaces) is often expensive and associated with high risk.
Further, it allows users to record trip data and share it via the web, including interfaces with Facebook and Twitter.
Since 2000, Larson and MIT researchers have developed computational tools to understand human behavior in natural environments, including the necessary sensing, interfaces, data collection methods, and visualization capabilities.
Design science research is typically applied to categories of artifacts including (but not limited to) algorithms, human/computer interfaces, design methodologies (including process models) and languages.