He applied his theories to a broad range of topics, including education, television, masculinity, intellectuals, the media, language and poverty.
The immigrants were predominantly peasants, with the remainder including craftsmen, workers, and intellectuals.
Most were reserve Polish officers including political leaders, government officials, and intellectuals.
Hundreds were detained by Iraqi security forces, including journalists, artists, and intellectuals.
Many of these refugees were upper-middle class, including doctors, intellectuals and teachers.
Almost everyone, including intellectuals and former dissident leaders, is out to make a buck.
Among the 14,471 victims were top Polish Army officers including political leaders, government officials, and intellectuals.
In recent months, atrocities have taken the lives of hundreds of civilians, including women, children and intellectuals.
On the left, including labor unions, students and intellectuals, the war represented a necessary battle to stop the spread of Fascism.
Representatives of 24 political parties and 50 public opinion leaders including intellectuals and journalists attended the conference.