She is internationally renowned for her significant contributions to online education, including research, innovation, programme design, teaching methods and the use of new technologies.
He speaks on a wide variety of topics, including technology, business model change, innovation, and global challenges and growth.
Each card contains questions in six subject categories including arts, politics, everyday life and innovation.
Anthony has written extensively about a number of innovation topics including disruptive innovation and business model innovation.
Design Observer is a website devoted to a range of design topics including graphic design, social innovation, urbanism, popular culture, and criticism.
The questionnaire has a focus on long-term sustainability topics that are relevant to each industry including human capital, brands and innovation.
Rather than discarding conventional management courses, the faculty have revised their existing curriculum to focus on "15 specific skills, including experimentation, revenue-model innovation and risk selection."
I am also pleased by the increase in resources for the priority areas adopted by Parliament, including youth, education, research and innovation.
Other types of innovation, including social innovation, can be classed as hidden innovation.
The institute plans to focus its research on assessing the Internet's impact in areas including the economy, privacy, security, government, society and innovation.